Aktivitäten im Verzascatal
Odro - WildheumuseumEthnografischer Rundgang im GebietVogorno-Odro-Bardüghè-Vogornoweitere Informazionen: http://www.museovalverzasca.ch/fileUpload/downloads/3/MVV_pieghevole_ODRO_IT-DE.pdf ![]()
The clay court in Sonogno is likely to be set in the most beautiful surrounding you've ever had a chance to play. The surface is clay and it's recommended to make a reservation. You can also purchase 6-entry tickets in case you're staying in the valley more than just a few days. ![]()
Indepth Outthere Adventures - Canyoning-Tessin
Lass Dich in die aufregende Welt der Canyons entführen!
Experience Canyoning... rutschen, springen, abseilen und entdecke mit uns das beste was die Natur in den Tälern rund um Locarno zu bieten hat. ![]()
Canyoning – das Zauberwort für intensives Erleben. Ein prickelndes, spritziges Abenteuer, atemberaubend und erfrischend, ein Gruppenerlebnis der besonderen Art. Wo Wasserläufe sich imposante Schluchten gegraben haben, entdecken Sie die faszinierende Schönheit der Natur. Im Canyoning-Eldorado Tessin sind wir daheim.
A very popular diving place. The depth of the cave is around 10m. See http://www.verzasca.com/river/it/pozzo_salti.html for more details. ![]()
World's second highest commercial bungee jump, features in the opening scene of the James Bond 007 movie GoldenEye.
You can jump between April and October, reservations are recommended.
The most famous bathing / swimming spot in Verzasca is next to the famous bridge Ponte dei Salti. The current is very slow here (the underwater cave has the depth of 10m) although you should always be very careful when entering the river. The turquoise water is always cold and refreshing.
A great spot for bathing, most of the time the river is very quiet here and there's a nice tiny sandy beach. This is not a popular place so it's always very quiet, also in high season. You can get there from the main street by crossing the bridge 200m after Osteria Motta (between Lavertezzo and Brione) or from the hiking path on the other side of the river.
Aperto dal 1° maggio al 31 ottobre, tutti i giorni dalle ore dalle 13.00 alle 17.00. Il museo di Val Verzasca si trova a Sonogno in una vecchia abitazione verzaschese che si affaccia sulla piazza del villaggio: la Casa Genardini. Dal 1974 ospita una collezione comprendente circa un migliaio di oggetti che rispecchiano la vita quotidiana di un tempo. Velo