Frasco - Lago d'Efra - Passo del Gagnone - Scaiee - Corte di Fondo - Gerra
  • SchwerigkeitBergwanderweg (mittelschwerig)
  • Start und Ankunft Höhe885m - 808m
  • Max. Höhe2442m
  • Zeit7h 30min
This is a beautiful day hike. You start in Frasco and go up to a fantastic alpine lake Lago d'Efra. Along the way you'll also get some nice views and waterfalls. From Lago d'Efra you continue up to the mountain hut Capanna d'Efra and then on to Passo del Gagnone, with great views along the way. At Btta dello Scaiee you're some 3min from the peak and even though the path doesn't go all the way up it's a must to climb up the few remaining meters to the peak. Its altitude is 2450m and you get an amazing 360-degree view from up there. It's probably one of the nicest views in Val Verzasca. You can see Brione and Sonogno way below, a bit of Lago Maggiore, a big part of Valle Verzasca as well as alpine peaks very far away.

The way down also rewards you with continous great views until you reach the forest. You can get water along the way in a few places as you decend. This is a very long and steep way down. 
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